
Pia-Karin Helsing - Soprano


It was always clear that Pia-Karin had a special gift in musics. Around the age of 5 she started playing the violin and the piano at home. At 7 she entered the School of Musics in Jakobstad, Finland, learning to play the violoncello. When she, at age 11, joined the City Orchestra of Jakobstad she was truly hooked! The Symphonic repertoire swept her away - the Beethoven symphonies, Mozart's Requiem and Rachmaninovs 2nd Piano Concerto made her feel euphoric! To be a tiny part of something so magnificent! These were early steps in young miss Helsings discovery that everyone matters - all voices matter to the whole and all contributions are important to the end result. Some self-confidence started to grow, as well as a deep desire to experience music to the fullest.


Alongside, Pia-Karin was also deeply devoted to her life as a Jehovahs Witness.

Her love for music threw her into a big battle of concience - was her love for music a contradiction, or a danger, to her love for God? She struggled for years, trying to stay away from a life as a musician, but at age 24, she couldn't resist the love for musics and finally picked up the cello and her studies again. And all the pieces fell into place!

She decided to leave the Jehovahs Witnesses altogether, and live the life she believed was right in her heart.


She soon discovered her voice and started training to become an opera singer. She studied at Operastudio Stockholm and got her exam there in 2007. Since, she has studied at Master Classes, and private, for Ulrich Staerk, Helena Döse, Anna Larsson, Karl-Magnus Fredriksson, Peter Mattei and Nicholas Carthy, to mention some.


Now she has made herself a name as a spinto, a soprano with a broad timbre, sometimes described a mezzo in reviews, although singing clearly sopranic arias, such as arias from Tosca, Un ballo in Maschera and Madame Butterfly! Her hight is as clear as her roundness of depth.

Pia-Karin makes her own shows, where she sings Puccini- arias to her own recorded cello-orchestra. The cello is also always on stage as she plays Piazzolla-tangos, or accompanies herself on the cello, singing jazz-standards, or Scandinavian folk songs. She has a poetic touch to her shows and likes to include some quotations by Paulo Coelho - always highlighting the way of the heart and the importance to listen to the voice of the heart. Her shows have travelled all over Sweden, as well as performances back home in Finland.


Recently she has also started giving lectures on the theme inner security, based on her own experiences in life.


Pia-Karin Helsing travels all over, giving recitals, being soloist with orchestras and choirs, performing in opera-productions and giving concerts.

She still plays the cello, in Norrbottens Chamberorchestra, for example, but is mainly occupied by her singing engagements.


Pia-Karin has a broad expression of musical arts - be it in the theatre, at the opera, at a folk-festival, or in a remote village-concert in the arctic Norrbotten, where she resides.

The voice of the heart and honest expression are clearly themes that are evident in all that Pia-Karin Helsing does!






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